Adding to an Existing Solar Power System For Your Home


More and more people are adopting solar power systems to live off the grid. There are many benefits to solar power systems, especially now that gas prices are even higher than before, and people are growing more aware and conscious of the harmful effects of fossil fuels on the environment. 


The technology involving solar power systems has also increased significantly in the past few years, which is why the capacity for its usage is also increasing. Are you wondering about adding to your existing solar power system? There are a couple of factors to consider if adding more solar panels is the right choice for you.


Reasons to Expand 


Everyone has their reasons for expansion. However, if you’re wondering if the reasons make sense, then we have mentioned some of the notable reasons for the expansion below:


Lack of Budget 


If you started with a smaller system because you didn’t have money in the past and now you want to expand due to the availability of resources, then you should do so. However, you may want to first consider whether your system can handle an expansion. 


Your Consumption Has Increased 


If your family has recently grown or bought new appliances that need more power, you may want to expand the current system. 


Solar Production isn’t Enough 


If you see that the production of your solar cells has gone down over the years and you want to account for high-usage periods, then you may need to fix it a little. 


Ways to Add to Your Current Solar Power System 


Add More Panels to the Current System With Current Inverter 


One of the most important things to know about your system is that you can easily add 133% to your inverter’s maximum power. 


If you have a big enough inverter, you may as easily add more panels as a more cost-effective method. It will increase the energy your system generates; thus, your energy needs can be easily met. 


Increasing Battery Capacity or Inverter 


If your inverter or battery can’t handle the addition of extra panels, then it may be time to change the inverters and the battery. The battery will store the amount of energy it gains from the panels; thus, as more energy is generated, it will also need to have the capacity to store it. 


An inverter needs to be able to convert that energy to your home’s main supply; thus, it must also have the capacity for that conversion. If the battery or inverter doesn’t have that capacity, there will be issues. 


Adding a Whole New System 


You could also go as far as adding a whole new solar power system to your property. If you have a large enough property or recently added more infrastructure, you may need to add a solar power system to facilitate such a major change. 


Final Thoughts


It’s up to you to decide how you want to add to your existing solar system, but there are some factors that you want to consider before making a move such as this. Ensure that you know your requirements and situation before you add more solar power systems.

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